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madeincharlie: Vice: Spike Jonze Interview Kanye West & Hype...

By :Anwar Washington 0 comments
madeincharlie: Vice: Spike Jonze Interview Kanye West & Hype...


Vice: Spike Jonze Interview Kanye West & Hype Williams. (2007)

I haven’t really  capitalize that, I’m not really rich as many people think I am. I don’t have ”Fuck you!” type money. I’m still at the mercy of the fans, if the fans is like ”Yo we don’t like Kanye anymore we don’t like we don’t want to come to his shows, we don’t think he’s dope” I would be fucked up. I would kinda have to live a different lifestyle, I would have to go hard on the real estate. (Laughs). For real, I’m not in Pharrell or Puffy position I mean, all those people been in the game way longer than me and hopefully, a year or 2 or 3 years in, I would be more in their position. But with that! the fact that I’m not in a situation where it’s like: I got so much money fuck whatever, I think I give people better art. My life depends on how good this does and, every morning, I’m in the studio till 5 o clock. I have three 5 o clock at night. I feel like, I’m in a competition with the hula-hoop. What the hula-hoop was to America, I want my songs, my pieces of art to be that. It’s important did it connects with you in a certain way, It’s not just fucking music, it’s not just a video. I think a true artist should be willing to die for what he believes in. He should be willing to die for his art. He should be willing to sacrifice whatever world possession he has to give the world the greatest form of art possible. And that, is what my whole motivation is.

That’s what kinda happen at the European Awards but  it wasn’t translating properly. I spazz out because they told me I was going to win this award and they gave it to someone else, and I went up stage and spazz. When I say I paid a million dollars for this, but every one read that as: Well you’re a fucking millionaire, What I’m saying is, no seriously, at that time I might of had $2 million in my account. Take it as a person that  had $10,000 dollars in there account and you invest $5,000 in to something, that’s giving up half of what you got. It’s saying that level of commitment to say i want to deliver to ya’ll the best product possible. 

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