hikristofferson: So once again, another clothing company stole...

So once again, another clothing company stole one of my artworks, put it on a shirt and sold it without my permission. This company called New York Nothing went on my website, grabbed the image of my Cam’ron painting & threw it on a shirt. The morning of the day of it’s apparent launch, I get tons of emails, messages & texts asking about this shirt (pictured above) & my involvement in it. After emailing them numerous times, it takes them the whole day to take it off their site, but instead of it coming down completely, there is now a “sold out” on the site where the offending shirt use to be.
This has me raising lots of questions about how many units they might have printed, sold & how much profit they may have had in my expense. So right now, i’m talking with some lawyers on how to make sure they don’t ever make money off me (or other artists without their knowledge in general) ever.
Here’s the thing: I don’t get how a supposed ‘creative design team’ of people don’t understand how it’s wrong to steal from their own community. They would’ve had a way better chance of getting away with taking the actual paparazzi photo that I based the painting off & getting their design intern to tweak it rather than stealing an artwork from someone in the creative field who is well aware of their rights as artists & are a part of a tight-knit community of professional working artists who are quick to spot things like this.
Anyway, I don’t want to keep ranting or it’ll just make me more upset. Point is, don’t support these companies (or anyone) that steals from artists in their own community. Artists don’t make much money as is & if they do make it, it’s because they hustled their ass off day & night working some shitty/decent job during the day just so they can buy materials & things to help them make the art they love to make during their long nights only to go to bed at 3am but wake up at 7am to get to work & do it all over.
Support your artists!
Kristofferson San Pablo
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